Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Predictable Like The Weather

“Yes,” I told Susan. “Yes I want to see Jesse. I want to hear his laughter, see him smile and watch him be the happy kid I know and love but…” I sighed. “Josh doesn’t know if he can trust me, or if he ever will, I don’t want to hurt either one of them anymore.”

Susan gave me a sympathetic look. “But I thought you said that Josh wanted you to be there? Didn’t you tell me he said he would come looking for you if you weren’t?”

I nodded, “He said that but I don’t think he really meant it, how could he?”

“Men don’t know what they want Anna!” Susan laughed, “Do you think your brother knew what he was doing when we first started dating? Chad wouldn’t be as happy as he is today if it weren’t for me showing him how things should be! You just have to show Josh what he’s missing out on and he’ll soon change his mind!”

“Susan!” I shook my head. “It’s not that simple! I did something that completely destroyed his trust…”

Susan was shaking her head.

“Why are you shaking your head?”

“If you completely destroyed Josh’s trust, why is he having anything to do with you at all? Why would he want you to be around his son? From what I can remember of Josh from what I saw of him, he is furiously protective of his little boy, he wouldn’t want you around him if he didn’t trust you at all.”

“But he -”

“I think that he’s hurting, which is only natural and it will take some time for him to get over that but I really don’t think that he doesn’t trust you; all his actions so after have proven otherwise.”

I went to say something but as I thought about what Susan said, it did kind of make sense. Would a man who didn’t trust me want me around his son? Would he seek me out when things aren’t going his way like he did at word with the party supplies? Would he then proceed to ask me to help him out and draw out that time together? I brought my hands to my forehead and groaned, I was so utterly confused.

“See?” Susan smiled at me, “You know what I’m saying is true.”

“But…” I trailed off, I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“So you’ll take the kids to Jesse’s party and I’ll - NO!” Susan screamed and I spun around to look at the kids. At first I didn’t see what she was flipping out about as I watched Jenna shake the cup in her hands, I went to turn back to Susan and that’s when the lid came off the cup and the full glass of juice Jenna was shaking went all over her and Conner.

“Oh!” Jenna dropped the now empty cup and held her hands up to her mouth as she stared at the dripping boy across from her.

“Bad Jenna!” Conner exclaimed and then turned to his mother. “Mommy Jenna got me all sticky! I can’t go to Jesse’s party all sticky!”

Susan took Conner to the bathroom to clean him up and I went to get something to clean the juice up. When I got back, Jenna was kneeling in the red puddle, pressing her hands into it and then touching her face and hair. “Oh Jenna,” I groaned, she smiled up at me. “Here,” I handed her a couple paper towels to soak up the juice. Within minutes you couldn’t tell that there was a juice spill in the hall, unless of course you looked at the little red girl standing beside me.

“Come on,” I took her sticky hand in mine as I led her to the bathroom where Susan was just finishing up with Conner.

“Oh my!” Susan tried not to laugh as she stared at Jenna’s hair that was stuck to her forehead with juice. “You might as well bathe her,” she told me and then said that the party was starting.

“But mommy,” Conner tugged on Susan’s hand. “I’m still here! I have to go to the party!”

“You will once Aunt Anna cleans Jenna up,” she told Conner as they walked out of the room.

No matter how hard I tried to wash Jenna quickly, she seemed determined to slow me down; first she didn’t want to get in the water and then she didn’t want to get out. Twenty five minutes had passed and Conner was whining about missing the party; I felt so bad.

As I was starting to dress Jenna, my cell phone rang and Conner came running down the hall with it in his hands. “Aunt Anna, it’s for you,” he had answered it.

“Hello?” I propped the phone between my shoulder and ear while I grabbed Jenna’s ankle as she tried to make a break for it, naked. There was so much noise in the background, I barely heard the person on the phone. “I’m sorry?” I frowned and tried to pin a wiggling Jenna down to put a diaper on her.

The noise level faded and I heard, “Am I coming through now?”

“Yes,” I said hesitantly as I tried to figure out who it was, it sounded like Josh but I knew it wasn’t. “Tim?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Why are you calling?” I asked him but I wanted to cheer instead because I finally managed to get Jenna into the diaper.

“Well I had some free time on my hands and I decided to see what you were up too,” he said jokingly and then added. “No seriously? Josh is driving me nuts, he keeps pretending that he’s not looking at the door every five minutes and not waiting for you but we all know the difference, I really don’t know who he’s trying to kid here.”

“I told Josh I wasn’t going to be there.” Actually dressing Jenna went a lot faster than trying to put her diaper on, I picked her up and went down the hall to find Susan so she could take the kids to the party now.

“Why not?”

“I’m sure Josh told you everything, is there really any reason that I should be there?” I sighed, “I think it would be better for everyone if I didn’t show up.”

“Hmmm,” was all he said to that.

“Well,” I helped Jenna into her boots and coat. “Jenna and Conner are leaving the house right now,” I told him. “There was a little incident that put them behind.”

“Anna I really think that you should come to the party, Jess wants to see you, you are all he’s talked about for the last month or so, he got there and talked about you so much that even Megan has been asking for you.” Tim chuckled softly and then coughed; his tone serious when he spoke again. “Jesse isn’t the only one who has been missing you Anna, Josh has too. You have no idea how much of an impact you’ve made in my brother’s life in such a short time, I’ve never seen him as happy as he was when you came into his life.”


“Anna,” he cut in. “I know all about what happened, I like to think that you wouldn’t have purposely hurt Josh, I’ve seen the way the two of you were together so I know you do care about him.”

“I love him Tim.”

“Then why are you there instead of here by his side celebrating his first birthday party with his son? He really wants you here Anna,” Tim paused and then added, “Don’t make me have to get mom to come and talk some sense into you!”

“I’m surprised that all of you don’t hate me for what I did.”

“Of course we don’t hate you Anna, Josh wouldn’t let us if we wanted too; he’s very protective of you. Even just after what happened, he wouldn’t stand for anyone saying anything bad about you.”

I didn’t know what to say, I honestly didn’t. If Josh was confusing me, his brother was certainly throwing me for a loop too. I started to think that maybe there was a way for Josh and I to work through this, it would be a lot of work but in the end it would be totally worth it.

“Listen I have to get back to the party,” Tim told me. “Please don’t think about it too long and end up missing out on all the fun.”

He told me he would see me soon and then hung up.

I stood there staring at my cell for a moment and then ran towards the door. “Susan!” I quickly shoved my boots on and ran towards her van as she was starting to pull out of the driveway.

I didn’t think I was going to get her attention in time but at the last moment she turned and saw me. I was bouncing in place as I waited for her to roll down her window. “Changed your mind?” I nodded fiercely and then ran back to the house for my jacket.

Yeah, so I couldn't stay away, I didn't really want to stay away either. Maybe it would've been wiser not to go but I haven't always done what I should have done and sometimes it still ends up alright.

So ten minutes later, I walked into the Holly’s Playroom with a hand full of presents and two really excited little kids. We stopped in the entrance to remove our jackets and boots like everyone else did and then we went in to join the screaming fun.

The second I walked through the doorway I saw Josh and Jesse both standing back on to me talking to Tim, who happened to glance in my direction at that moment, he smiled at me. Josh went to turn to see what Tim was smiling at but Tim grabbed his arm and started to gesture wildly with his hands, keeping Josh’s attention on him.

I was so nervous as I made my way over to them and I felt everyone’s eyes on me too. The room seemed to get a lot quieter the closer I got to Josh and Jess. When I knelt down behind Jesse, I swear you could’ve heard a pin drop. “Happy Birthday Sweetie.”


Anna said...

Good Morning Everyone!

Look it's actually posted before noon my time...woohoo! ~l~

It was nice to see so many comments...hope you all aren't too upset with this one ~g~

Hope everyone is having a great day and I'll see you all tomorrow!

Lynn said...

What is there to be upset about. I love that Josh's brother called Anna. Again my hopes are up for Josh and Anna. Your writing takes my emotions all over the place! THANKS

Anonymous said...

UPSET??? Oh my goodness, don't think anyone will be upset with you b/c you tell the story how you want to! I think it's awesome that the events get dialogue going in the comments b/t the different readers and opinions. But trust me, noone is going to get upset when things don't go how they want them too....but it's a good thing, it keeps us as readers on our toes and unable to guess where the story might go next! Oh yeah, and did I mention it's YOUR story?!

You are SO good at cliffhangers, I cannot WAIT to read tomorrow to see how the party goes! What a set-up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Listen, anytime you post early who cares...but that only makes me greedy and I want double and triple posts...but you already know that about me.





Anonymous said...

i don't think she should have gone.. at all.

MonkeySpeak said...

hmm, i just caught up with comments from the other blog. some people had some interesting insights, but i don't know (just personal opinion at least...) i agree that anna would be in josh's shoes if it were reversed and she'd probably be struggling as he is...but i don't know if it would be off with his head necessarily. i think that is too jaded as the OTHER cliche' is "to each is own" is it not? everything is situational and everyone has their own experiance. sometimes, you are thrown in limbo before the kiss happens...( yea, it can hurt so much sometimes its physical... ugh...) and so you kiss someone... because you are confused, or you need a distraction...cuz you just need to get away from the hurt, or you need to just get away from the whole situation and you make a bad choice... and it takes that kiss to snap you back to reality...and make you realize what you do really want... and there is no emotion behind that kiss... its just, distraction... or a need for attention... is that cheating? yea... probably... but its not emotionally cheating... in fact doesnt it really do the opposite? only bring the party closer to the person? like it did with anna? made her realize who she needed to be with? now this wasnt anna's case at all (she knew she should be with josh from get-go). im just pointing out, everything is situational... so its hard to throw those accusations at anna and say straight away if the "shoe was on the other foot" what would happen... i know plenty of people who have made mistakes... both male and female... who have worked through it... it just depends on the level of the relationship, and whether or not each party is willing to work through whatever trust or insecurity issues each one may have.

you can't really ask that because it ISN'T on the other foot right now. we can only know how anna would react if we cross that path. you can't really call her a hypocrite until she becomes one... until then, its just projecting.

STU said...


EJ said...

This story keeps getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

We never get upset. The story is just that good. We are just so tied up in the story and like to discuss it amongst ourselves.


Anonymous said...

OMG WE HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!this is the moment ive been waiting for! the jesse and anna reunion!!! urghhh...but dont worry anna we still love ya:D!!!!

The Middle Child said...

I'm gonna cry, how frickin sweet!!!

I've been on vacation and I have piles of work on my desk to do but I spent the last hour catching up on this blog. I'll have to wait to get home tonight (after my second job) to catch of on the other one!!!

I really missed reading you while away.

Great job with the story line, I love the little surprises and twists, you rock!!

Anonymous said...

That was a great post. How could we be upset.........except that you left us hanging again. LOL. Oh well we can wait. I am so glad she decided to go. Can't wait to see what Jesse does. He is so cute. I love this blog and the other one too.


Anonymous said...

so, anna, whats happenin with wade?!?! is he coming back anytime soon?

Carmel Beauty said...

Of course I'm upset you left it on a cliffhanger:-) All well I guess I have to wait till tomorrow.

Vikki said...

YAY!!! I'm sooo excited! I missed Jess!! Can't wait to see what happens next. I know I say that all the time, but I REALLY do mean it!

Great Post!!

Anonymous said...

Every blog has a cliffhanger! That's what makes people come back every day to read!!

Great job Anna as usual...:)

Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on Stus comment. I read the Diary of E, and I think the situations are not even close to being comparable. Jason cheated for months on Liz, he slept with her BEST FRIEND - got her PREGNANT! Anna is a confused girl, she has so much to experience in life yet. She has a history with Jordan, had a crush/attraction to him when she was younger. Gatormonkey had some great points about the whole thing. She made a bad descision, I don't thin anyone here is minimizing the kiss, but situations and circumstances can not even be compared between the 2 blogs.