Monday, March 10, 2008

Rescue Me

“Pregnant?” I gasped. “You think I’m pregnant?”

“It would make sense Anna!” Zack snapped at me. “You’ve been really happy and secretive. What else would it be?”

“Good lord Zack!” I shook my head. “If I was pregnant, you would know. Everyone would know! Hell, if I was pregnant, it would be Josh’s and do you think that he would keep it quiet?”

“If he didn’t know he -”

“Zack,” I hissed. “If I was pregnant, I wouldn’t keep it from him. I couldn’t keep it from him - it would kill him not to know. And it would kill me to keep it from him.”

“Are you sure you aren’t pregnant?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “When Josh and I broke up, I didn’t want to take any chances. I bought a couple tests and took them - they all came back negative. And so did the doctor’s test the next time I went to see her.” I took a deep breath. “I’m not pregnant Zack. That’s not the reason I’ve been happy.”

“I don’t understand Anna. If it’s not that, then what is it?”

With a sigh, I told him to go back into Chad’s house. “I’ll be in a minute.” I turned from him and pulled out my cell phone.

“Who are you calling?”

“Jordan,” I threw over my shoulder. “I was supposed to be over there right now but…” I shrugged. “I’m calling him to tell him I’m not going to be over tonight because after I tell you all what’s been going on, I’m going home. He won’t like it but…”

“Ok,” Zack said after a moment. “I’ll be inside waiting. Cass!”

I waited until Zack and Cassie disappeared inside Chad’s place before I dialled Jordan’s number.

Only one ring went in before I heard Jordan’s voice asking me if everything was ok. “Are you still coming over Babe?”

“I wish I was on my way but…” I groaned. “Something has come up here and I don’t think I’ll be able to make it tonight.”

“Are you sure? Can’t you deal with whatever it is and then meet up with me? If only long enough to say ‘hi’?”

“Jordan, the thing is…” I started to tell him what happened since I told Cassie about us - leaving out the fact that they all thought I was pregnant. “Now I have to go and tell them all about us before they put me under lock and key for something they think I’m doing.”

“You aren’t happy about telling them?” He sounded hurt.

“No Jordy, it’s not that I don’t want to tell them - I do. I just didn’t imagine this being the way that I would come to tell them. I guess I always thought that you would be there with me. I wanted you to be by my side when I told them. Otherwise, I’m afraid that they won’t believe me.”

“I could come over,” he offered.

“No, it’s ok. It’s getting late and you have to work in the morning. I can handle this; just don’t be surprised if someone tries to call you tonight to confirm that you are really my boyfriend.”

“I could come over Anna, I don’t mind. Really.”

I told him once again that it was ok. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. I’ll try to be on time too.”

“Ok Anna, I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you Babe.”

Smiling, I told him that I loved him too. “Good night Jordy.”

I took a moment by myself after I hung up the phone to think about what I wanted to tell my family. I knew that I couldn’t put them off anymore and I knew that it was time to let them in on my happiness.

Walking through the front door, I heard whispered conversations and I was willing to bet that they were all about me. When I walked into the living room, all conversation stopped and everyone turned to stare at me. Cassie jumped from the couch between her parents and came over to me.

“They’ve been trying to get me to tell them what’s going on,” she whispered when she reached me. “I didn’t tell them anything but Aunt Anna,” she squealed. “It’s so exciting! I don’t know how you managed to keep it a secret for a month!”

“Yeah,” I was a little nervous. What I was about to tell them was a big deal for me. “Hey everyone,” I stepped forward, into the center of the room. “I know that you have all been -”

A rapid knocking on the front door cut me off.

“Who could that be?” Susan asked Chad.

“I don’t know,” Chad replied as he pushed off the couch where he was seated comfortably next to his wife. “I’ll see who it is.”

Moments later Chad returned with Jordan on his heels. “I think this one is for you,” Chad threw over his shoulder as he returned to his wife.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered as he approached me, his hands coming to rest on my waist when he stopped.

“Did you really think I was going to let you do this alone? When you wanted me here?” Wrapping his arms around my waist he whispered, “We are in this together Babe, always.”


MonkeySpeak said...

love how this family makes mountains out of molehills about EVERYTHING. this has got to be the most dramatic family EVER lol. they act like they are about to announce an engagement, not "we are dating"

Unknown said...


He is perfect for her and I always had faith that those two would get together eventually!


Anonymous said...


i freaking love jordan.
and i love them together.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww! Jordy is so sweet.

Anna said...

~l~ I wouldn't say the most dramatic family guys haven't met mine! Everything in my family is a big freakin' deal and most times arguements break out before anyone really takes the time to think about what's really going on and what's important.

I have to get my ideas from somewhere, right? ~L~

I hope you are all having a great day ~s~


Anonymous said...

another short one

Anonymous said...

I am almost 25, married and living in the house that my husband and I bought, and my parents STILL freak out about everything in my life. We are really close and most of the time my mom is like a friend- like how Zach is for Anna. But, she also blows everything out of proportion just like Zach. I could totally imagine today's post happening in my family!!! I think it just comes with the territory of being in a very close family

Anonymous said...

Still team josh :(

Anonymous said...

Good one! I'm so PROUD of Jordan for coming. He knew it was important to her. This is why I like them together.

The Middle Child said...

Good boy Jordy!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, bless! I absolutely loved it... He got there fast huh? :D


Anonymous said...

That's what I was thinking! Either, he lives really close or he broke several speed limits! :) I love Jordy now! I used to be Team Josh, but Jordy has stolen my heart too! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jordy!

Remember that Jordy lives close to Chad and they are at Chad's house not Zack's. I even think walking distance...

She always talks about staying at Chad's if it gets to late to get back to Zack's house.

Anonymous said...

I will take any post I can get, but you can tell when Angela is distracted with her life. Not that her having a life is a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

I love Jordy! I want someone just like him. So sweet that he came over.


Carmel Beauty said...

I am glad that Jordy made it!

Anonymous said...

YAAY JORDY!! I'm so glad he went over there even though she told him not too. Good boyfriend, lol.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats so cute. and sweet of Jordy too. SOOOO HAPPY they are finally together.

ctiger said...

That was a great post. I love that Jordy went even though she said not to. Little disappointed she told him no twice but he didn't listen good for him. I love them together.


Anonymous said...

I guess I can't get past what went wrong with Josh and Anna, she obviously doesn't know what love is since both Josh and Jordan curl her toes, oh well, not liking the story so I shall move on, still team Josh, always and forever!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad they are finally together... and I LOVE how he came over right away to be with her when she needed him.
Loved this post.

kmorales4 said...

Yay Jordan! I love that dude.

MonkeySpeak said...

LoL sorry guys. I mean i didnt mean for it to come out bad. Its part of what makes the story readable - i mean who wants to read subdued laid back also right?

I come from a mix. We try really hard not to blow things up. And if it looks like it is getting that way, we literally just walk away. I know someone is gonna jump on me and say it's disrespectful but at my age, if I am being yelled at, then yes I walk away because yelling is no way to work something out. So, if anyone is freaking out (like zack does) we simply get up and say we'll discuss this when we are both calmer and get up and walk out of the room. or say something like "I am not in the mindset to discuss this right now, please respect that and we will talk again in 15 minutes when I can clear my head"

well breath and then go back in. It doesnt always happen like that. sometimes someone chases the other person down and screaming resumes but we've really started learning to communicate.

that and my parents never trust that anyone i date is gonna last hahahaha.

MonkeySpeak said...

and anon - w/ josh - I think sometimes, regardless of how two people may feel about each other, sometimes its just not meant to be.

relationships should go pretty smoothly. not be riddled with roadblocks. that doesnt mean it won't take work. like jordy and anna take work, but they seem to work it out pretty smoothly. josh and anna kept hitting block after block. some things just aren't meant to be. no explination, no nothing. i was in a relatinoship like that - either of us had a reallly good reason why it would never work out... but it just never would.

i do understand your questioning though since i still have to convince future guys i date that he and i wont get back together since they can't see why we broke up (and we dont even speak anymore).

Vikki said...

I AM SO CRUSHING ON JORDAN RIGHT NOW!! As soon as I heard (ok, read. But I feel like I'm in the story) the knock, I knew it was him!!


I'm with you Mantra. They are pretty dramatic. But that's what makes it a great read.