“It’s about time!” Harriet exclaimed when Jordan and I slowly made our way into the living room where she was sitting with John. “Now if you’ll just get your shoes on, we can all go out for breakfast.” She elbowed her husband in the side before standing up and straightening her shirt out. Looking around, she frowned. “Jordan, where’s Jenna?”
Jordan shot me a confused look. “She’s still sleeping mom,” he said slowly.
There was a hint of frustration in her voice when she told him to go wake Jenna up and get her ready.
“No mom,” he replied firmly. “I’m not waking Jenna up. We didn’t put her to bed at her usual time last night and I really don’t want to risk her being cranky or whiney all day.”
Harriet told him that it wouldn’t hurt Jenna or him if he woke her up now.
“It’ll have to wait mom, I’m not waking her up.” He tugged on my hand as he spoke. When I looked up at him, he motioned towards the unoccupied arm charm before continuing to ‘lecture’ his parents. “If you wanted to take us out for breakfast this morning, you should’ve called or even told me about it last night. Anna and I already have plans for today you know.”
“Well,” his mom huffed. “I didn’t think that taking a few minutes to enjoy a meal with your parents was asking too much.”
“It’s not mom -” he started but Harriet was already on her way towards the kitchen mumbling something along the lines ‘inconsiderate children’. “Mom!” He dropped my hand and went after her saying that he wasn’t inconsiderate. “I’m just trying to do what’s best for my daughter. She’s sleeping and I’m not going to wake her, I would think you would understand that.”
His mother spun around, “Oh I understand alright!” She snapped as she waved her finger in front of his face. “You don’t think I know anything about having babies? I had three! And two of them were at the same time! I know all about babies and what happens when they don’t get their sleep Jordan! But that didn’t stop me from going out to breakfast with my parents or John’s parents!”
“Stop it Harriet!” John shoved off the couch and came around to stand with his back towards me as he spoke to his wife. “It’s not a big deal; we’ll just make plans for another day. Now,” he reached out his hand and slipped it around Harriet’s shoulder. “Let’s go and give Jordan and Anna some time alone.”
“Mom, Dad,” Jordan looked upset when he turned towards me as they walked into the kitchen and out of sight.
“Do you want to go have breakfast with them?” I asked him quietly.
“Well…” he shrugged and nodded at the same time. “I don’t recall the last time my parents came to visit me Anna.”
“Jordy,” I sighed, he looked so sad, I had to hug him. “It’ll be ok,” I told him as I moved from the couch to where he was in no time and wrapped my arms around him.
“We’ll see you later,” his dad called from the porch.
“Tell them to hold on,” I told him as an idea struck me. He did as I asked and then gave me a puzzled look. “Why don’t you make breakfast?” I asked him. “That’s what we were planning on this morning,” I reminded him. “You were going to cook breakfast before I had to run to take the kids to the lake.”
“Great idea!” He kissed my forehead before turning to disappear into the kitchen to talk to his parents.
I had started to follow him, to help him convince his parents to stay here for breakfast instead, but started to think about it and I figured that maybe it was best for me to let him handle it himself. I turned around and went back to sit down.
Not even five minutes later I was joined by Harriet - she looked shell shocked. “Harriet?” I placed my hand on her shoulder gently and gave her a questioning look. “What’s wrong?”
“I -” she looked over her shoulder and then back at me. “Go peek into the kitchen and tell me what you see.”
I hesitated.
“Go,” she said. “Please tell me I’m not imagining things.”
That aroused my curiosity.
As I made my way towards the entrance to the kitchen, Harriet turned around and watched me. As I turned the corner, my eyes scanned the kitchen and I froze. I swear to God nothing - and I mean absolutely nothing - could’ve prepared me for what I saw.
“I’m not imagining it, am I?”
I blinked a couple times and shook my head in disbelief. Harriet came over and watched along with me as Jordan and John stood together in the kitchen working on making breakfast for us. I looked to her for some explanation - John never did anything with Jordan. Never.
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “One minute we are leaving and then Jordan is telling us he was going to cook breakfast for you and he really wanted us to stay. The next thing I know, John is telling me to join you in the living room, he was going to help Jordan.”
As I stood there frozen in spot, listening to his mom, Jordan glanced over his shoulder, caught my eye and smiled. For the first time in his life, Jordan was actually happy to be in the same room with his dad.
It was all so overwhelming. Knowing how long Jordan wanted his father to want to do something with him. I had to walk away before I cried.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Change In Plans
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What a great way to start my day with an early post!! Yah!!! Hope you have a great week Angela.
Good Morning Everyone!
Oh my god what a weekend. It's amazing how a butt load of snow can change your plans. I'm still here in Calgary, I was suppose to be going home today but with the snow they got here and the blizzard warning covering most of the area I have to travel in, I'm here for a few more days. Even my mom called me up last night to tell me to stay where I am because she didn't want to worry about me ending up in a ditch or something. To tell the truth, I can't say I'm too disappointed to stay here, I'm really enjoying my time here and the time I'm spending with the guy I came to see. Yay for me ~L~
I know you are all disappointed about the lack of posting lately, and to tell the truth, i can't blame any of you, I did start out posting every day and now it's 4-5 times a week, normally.
I can't promise what will come in the future, or how often I post, stuff just gets in the way and time runs out. Those aren't excuses, those are facts that have nothing to do with the story and have everything to do with me, as a person.
I hope you all have a great day and if you see sunshine and warmth, please send it to Alberta ~l~
well, at least it was a post.. no offense angela but i think you should just stay on vacation while you're on vacation and not worry about the blog so when you come back you have a ton of creative juices flowing and then posts are amazing =]
Wow, I'll send some of the sunshine from NY up your way. It was a blistering 88 degrees here the other day, it's like it went from winter to summer in a span of two days. Whatever happened to spring?
Loved the post, as always.
Great post as usual..
Middle, it got 80 degrees here in California, which is high for this time of year where I live. Now, its 60 and cool. Weird weather everywhere it seems.
Am confused here. When did Jordan get his daugher full time? Or am I missing something?
nice to see you're alive and kicking
Thanx for the post, and g'd luck with the snow!!
I cant believe its snowing some place, when it was just 85 degrees the other day in NYC! CRAZY!
Anyways enjoy your vacation and dont even worry about the blog! I'll still be here waiting =)
Anonymous, Jenna spends the weekends with Jordan - it's Saturday in the story, so she's at his house.
No offense taken Donna but I'm not on vacation - that doesn't happen until June this year. I'm on a 'weekend getaway' and the weather turned bad so it's lasting longer than I planned - not that I'm complaining, I'm having so much fun here. I have some time right now - the guy I'm visiting is at work - so I decided to write for a little and work on my ideas for a new format for all my blogs. I'm thinking something that incorporates all of them in one place. We'll see how that goes ~l~
that sucks about the snow! i know the chinooks out there can be pretty surprising. here in ontario, it's 20 degrees (celsius) and not a hint of snow anywhere. but i think your storm is coming this way, but it's supposed to be rain by the time it gets here.
yah its definetly blizzarding. I hate it, I'm writing exams and I was late for one today cause of the buses! What the hell is with the snow! I live in Edmonton so probably close to where ever Angela lives lol.
Good post. Johns not as much of as ass
Yay! I have been (im)patiently waiting for something new. I know you've had a lot going on. I'm SO sorry for your snow. Its been really nice here in WI, 60s/70s (f) and sunny we've been lucky. Usually we seem to go from winter straight into summer.
Good story and I'm glad to see Jordan's dad coming around. Stay safe with the snow Angela! And as much as I miss the daily posts, any we can get are really appreciated. I know how life can get.
BLIZZARDING?! Insane, I know Canada is cold, but I didn't think you'd get buttloads of snow in April! You can take some of the heat in Philly, take care of you Angela!
Thanks for the post! I'm in WA state and about 2 weeks ago it hit 70 degrees - ever since we have been sliding back into winter! It was 26 degrees when I woke up and has snowed/hailed all day! I want Spring!
Wow, I was in Montreal,Quebec yesterday to run a 21K/Half Marathon, and it was in the 60's. Now I'm back in Mass and it was in the 70's today. As for a little random snow trivia, it snowed the day I was born, in May, in Rhode Island, almost 31 years ago.
Thanks for the post. I've been eagerly awaiting it.
i've been wondering when you were going to make one where all the characters met at once! i think that is a FANTASTIC idea.
Snow?!? In April, yuck (we had snow with Easter). The weather did a full 360 since Sunday, thank god I can deepen my tan with this weather.
There's something strange with John. He never was nice to Jordan and now Jordan has Jenna and Anna and he's the person he's supposed to be. What will happen if Jordy and Anna ever break up? (hope that doesn't happen, but still)
hah! i had a grade 8 science last of the year test, and we all got to go home to a BLIZZARD. in JUNE!
yeah, Canada is cold, but i know in Ontario and such we dont get as much crazy weather as western canada. especially the prairies!
Really enjoyed the post. John did seem to harbor resentment toward Jordan...wasn't there an accident or something with him and Nick when they were kids? I remember something like that. Anyway, time to move on and appreciate what he has. BTW...here in Harrisburg, PA, we have high 60's, breezy, and gorgeous!
Girl, That was soooooooooo worth the wait. Thanks Angela
Jordan's mom seems a little difficult to please and somewhat uncompromising. With the way she acted in the post and the way his dad acted as well, I am definitely thinking something is up. But I'm not even going to speculate what it is. Time will tell!
(And it's been awhile, but I got a new post. It also explains why there was a delay. Check it out if you have time)
I think something is up with Jordan's mom too. But, we'll see.
Great post Angela!
Trying to be patient....but I'm having withdrawls!!! :)
me, too, dido...this is like the 5th time I've checked today. i'm an addict! is there a support group out there???? mum
OH hey look, It's the weekend again... looks like another 1 post week. Hard to stay interested when posting is (on average) becoming few and far between.
Dido, Ive lost interest
huh no post again today??
It's not hard to stay interested, many people do it on many different blogs all the time that post less than I ever did.
Yes, posts have been irregular lately and I can't promise that it won't be like that for a while - there are some things that have become more important to me than writing. I would've assumed that most would've understood that, seeing I'm sure you all have lives outside of reading this blog.
Read, don't read. It's your choice, it's always been your choice. Whichever you choose, it doesn't matter, I'll still write this blog when it works for me.
Have a great weekend.
FYI Angela - I was not saying that I am ready to give up! I love your blogs & I'll take what you give us! I just have lulls in my day & use your blogs to fill them! :)
Have a great weekend!
I'm an addict too. Every time I get the chance I check if there's a new post.
Can't blame Angela for not posting, it takes more time to write one than to read one and we all have lifes.
Angela, I think that it's about time that you make this comment section for members only. (I know this looks bad that I don't have a username or w/e but I've been too lazy to sign up for one =P) Have you noticed that it's always the anonmyous that leave the most rude comments? Yes, I know we all love your writing, but we can say we're impatient without being a total jackass... The majority of us understand that you have stuff going on, so we understand that you can't post with your usual vigor. =) And while some people think it may not be "fair" to make comments only for those with usernames, it's not fair for you have to deal with people's bullshit simply because they are self-centered. Just a thought.
Why doesn't everyone ignore the couple of negative comments.
If someone says that they are disappointed by no post, then it is simply that. It doesn't mean that they have no life or that they are being rude. Now some comments are rude but those should just be ignored. Move on from the negativity.
To anon 10:32am
Making the comments just for members will not stop "rude" comments as you put it. This is an open forum for discussion. Therefore you are going to have lots of different opinions about things. Good and Bad. Angela knows that I'm sure. Not everyone is going to have great things to say about everything she writes. She is an excellent writer, with a life. We ALL know that. That's why we are so passionate about this blog. And also why we're disappointed when there isn't a post. But I highly doubt any of us will stop reading. It just makes the next one that more special when it arrives.
Just wanted to get this off my chest.
Like I said last post, Come on ladies, this is a blog, for our enjoyment. If there is a new post, great!! If not, check again the next day. Don't get ugly over it!
Angela has a life, maybe you should get one too!
*is anon 10:32* Oh, no, I agree. It's totally okay to say that you're disappointed that there hasn't been a post, but when people write "you don't post. This is lame. I'm not reading anymore,", I just think that's unnecessary. And yes, I can ignore it, but I think that people could simply state it more nicely. I've read dozens of comments where people are saying they're "dying" for a new post and impatient, but I think that's a compliment, ya know? I kinda vented last time because I was really annoyed. I could never write like Angela nor could I ever find the time to write and schedule in all the other crazy stuff, so I just get frustrated when people assume that this is all she does. *shrug* Sorry if I pissed off anyone.
i think that angela is right- read or don't read.... she has a life and we all do too so i don't think her blog should be that imperative(although i too check it religously) to our survival in life... but, like everyone else said, we do appreciate anything we can get angela! and hopefully the snow let up- like mehreen said it was in the 80's last week in philly so we were feeling spoiled!
"Why doesn't everyone ignore the couple of negative comments.
If someone says that they are disappointed by no post, then it is simply that. It doesn't mean that they have no life or that they are being rude. Now some comments are rude but those should just be ignored. Move on from the negativity."
Right on Anon 3:41. I think people on here (sorry angela, including yourself!) need to just tone out the negative comments. you guys take them very personally when they really aren't. Its that person's problem, not yours. People get VERY defensive on here - it's just a blog guys. Ang was right. Read it or don't But i dont think that point needs to continue being stressed.
People will say what they want and will continue - and it's not just the Anon's. There have been registered regulars who have gotten upset. It's their issue. Just stop taking stuff so personally - it's beginning to sound like a High School cafeteria in here with all the bitching and drama. From all parties!
Gunna have to agree 100% with what My Mantra is Hamsa said!!
I can't wait for a new post!!
I'm dying for a Jordan/Anna update.
I can't wait to find out how the breakfast was!!
I love reading your blogs... they give me something to do when I am bored at work... But that being said, I have a life and I EXPECT you to as well. Might I say it sounds like you have met someone???!!!
Anyway, Its not even disappointing when you don't post.. Cause I always stay interested. Kinda like a tv show on once a week. Don't stop writing, but YES do have a life!
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