Saturday, January 30, 2010

Possibly Returning Soon

Hey Everyone!

It's been a long time but I haven't forgotten about this story. In fact, I've been thinking a lot about it lately. I'm thinking about returning to posting but I'm having issues deciding where to pick this story up. I want to continue from where it stopped but yet, I want to move on. When I decide what I'm gonna do, I'll let you all know, in a new post.

Have a great day and I hope to see you all again soon.



Anonymous said...

wow!! This is awesome to see! Can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE if you picked up where it left off, I don't want to miss anything!

Wet ~n~ said...


Lady said...

Hey Angela!

It's good to hear from you! I can't wait, whatever you decide to do.

Hope all is well with you.


Lynn said...

omg!!!! i cant wait =) it would be cool to just pick up somewhere new........or whatever you decide, its cool :)

Mallory said...

OMG I am so excited that you are back...I absolutely love this story! :)

DDgirl said...

Hey Angela!
glad to see you're back!

Take care


Dido said...

Looking forward to it! I would be happy with any direction you want to go in! :)

Heather said...

Yay :) We all look very forward to you posting again, and would certainly love to see what happens after your last post, please. Thank you for writing.

Carmel Beauty said...

Well you have the option of starting right back where you left off but if you you jump up a few months you have an even better option of just brining in new and exicting suprises like they did with desperate housewives. Either way will be cool for me I just miss the story. :-)

sweetpea said...

So glad to hear you are coming back!

MzzMechell said...

I just checked today to see if anything else had been said. I'm so excited. I love this blog.

Donna said...

I left this blog for an entire year to come back to just a few posts, haha. I understand you're busy but wrap it up if you don't have time anymore, I say.

I think you should skip forward, the 2009 posts I found myself skimming over because they were just all fluff.. Get to the stuff you want to write about so it's more interesting.

mum said...

If you want to get current, I think that's cool. No offense, but you could tell your heart wasn't really in it there at the end and you were just sort of phoning it in. Use a post or two to get current and then go from there. So glad you might be back! mum

Anonymous said...

Oh, you left a teaser like that, now I'm back to checking the blog 3 or 4 times a day. Man I need to get a life LOL.

I think it would be great to jump forward with just a small update on what has happened the last several months - bought and renovated the house, jobs are the same, no drama from anywhere. But then there has to be a kicker in there somewhere, a reason to start back up and grab our interest again.

Good luck, I'll be waiting!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I need to read this again from the beginning!

Glad to see things are coming back around Angela! Good luck!

Babsiegirl said...

I sure hope you pick up soon (anywhere you choose).

azulkrema said...

i think since Anna has made a few appearances in Tanner's Blog then we kind of know in the direction she headed so it would be nice to just fast forward a year or so...just my opinion but very glad you will be back soon =)

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

Kaboodall said...

Hey Angela!! I'm so glad to hear you might be coming back. Do know if you are for sure? If so, when? Some of us have been waiting a long long long time for this and it would be nice to know for sure ;)
I would personally love an update to bring us current, but at this point I'm hopefull at the possibility you might be writing again. Please let us know!